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Barber's Farm
Address: 3617 New York 30 Middleburgh, NY, 12122
Email Address:
Phone: 518-827-5454
About Us
A Family Farm
Since 1857, six generations of Barbers have farmed this land in the heart of the Schoharie Valley. Much has changed over the years. We’ve grown from a small homestead farm to a bustling farm market with four satellite truck markets. Yet, our close family and community ties continue to be our inspiration and support. On any given day, you will find sons, daughters, grandchildren, and schoolmates in the fields and at the markets, working hard to maintain our high-quality produce and provide customers with our “welcome home” friendly service. It is our pleasure to offer you the experience of dealing with us in the time honored tradition of farm markets.

A Brief History
Although the 10 feet of topsoil is some of the richest in the state, the first European settlers from Palatine, Germany chose this valley because the breathtaking beauty reminded them of their homeland.This beautiful, timeless quality is still one of the most compelling reasons to visit the Schoharie Valley. During the American Revolution, this valley played a vital role in supplying the Continental Army with wheat. Known as “The Bread Basket of the Revolution,” the valley was protected by three stockades, of which one was located on the land we now farm. During the fall of 1780, the British and Indians raided the valley and burned nearly all the crops and buildings from Fultonham to Esperance. Stephen and Emiline Barber purchased 3 parcels of land on May 22, 1857 for $1,500.

On this land they tended 21 acres of hops and broom corn, the major crops of that time. In 1942 J. Roger Barber began selling potatoes and four varieties of sweet corn from a picnic table in front of the farm house and delivering some of that corn to local stores. Today, under the stewardship of several members of the fifth and sixth generation of Barbers, we sell an ever-growing variety of vegetables and fruits at our farm stand, and a stunning array of hanging baskets, flowers and vegetable plants directly from our greenhouses. Thanks to the addition of several High Tunnel houses we now harvest and sell greens year round. In addition to the road stand on our family farm we participate in 3 local farmer’s markets, send out satellite tucks to 3 locations, and participate in the Corbin Hill Food Project.
Care for our Crops
60 years of experience have taught us that treating the land with respect and growing crops with care and patience are the best way to get high quality, flavorful vegetables decade after decade. We begin with our soil which we continually refresh and replenish with alfalfa rotations, cattle manure and living mulches. Our crops are grown using Integrated Pest Management, biological controls and great care to avoid chemicals whenever possible. We are proud that in over 60 years we have never used chemical insecticides (nor genetically modified varieties) for our sweet corn. Much of our weed control is through mechanical and hand cultivation and all of our vegetables are harvested by hand. It has been our experience that the extra work and care we put into our crops results in the superior flavor and quality you find in our vegetables. Changing and improving over the years, we are dedicated to farming practices which will ensure fertile and productive farmland for the next five generations.