

Hawthorne Valley Farm
Address: 327 County Route 21C Ghent, NY, 12075
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About Us
Hawthorne Valley Farm (est. 1972) is a diversified, 900-acre Demeter certified 650A Biodynamic® farm (Demeter remains the oldest ecological certification organization in the world) in upstate New York. Our farm is also USDA certified organic and Animal Welfare Approved.
By definition, Biodynamic is a comprehensive form of organic farming that heals the planet through regenerative agriculture.

Sustainable farming means healthy farms. Biodynamic farming is a regenerative approach that emphasizes self-sustainability.
Wholesome food means healthy people. Biodynamic farmers never use GMOs, synthetic chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides.
Holistic stewardship means a healthy planet. Biodynamic farms integrate plants, animals, water, air and soil into a regulating ecosystem.